With Speakede, Students, and Instructors, both get a dedicated Dashboard to keep track of all the functionalities from one place.
To visit your Dashboard, you can directly enter the URL speakede.com/dashboard into your browser’s address.
Dashboard Overview #

1. Dashboard Sidebar
On the Dashboard Overview, you’ll find a sidebar on the left that you can use to navigate to the other sections of the Frontend Dashboard. The sections included are listed below.
All Users
- Dashboard
- My Profile
- Enrolled Courses
- Wishlist
- Reviews
- My Quiz Attempts
- Order History
- Question & Answer
- Calendar
- My Courses
- Announcements
- Withdrawals
- Quiz Attempts
- Google Meet
- Assignments
- Zoom
- Certificate
- Analytics
- Settings
- Logout
2. Basic Stats
From here, you’ll also be able to monitor some Basic Statistics. If you’re a Student, you’ll be able to see the number of courses you’re enrolled in, how many you are actively still taking, and how many you’ve completed.
As an Instructor, apart from the three mentioned, you’ll also be able to see the total number of students you have, how many courses you created, and your total Earnings.
3. In Progress Courses
Followed by the stats, you’ll find a list of all your In Progress Courses. This list will include the Course Name, Course Rating, Number of Lessons Completed/Total Lessons, and the Course Progress Bar. Clicking on any course will also take you to its Course Details Page.
4. My Courses
Lastly, if you’re an Instructor, you’ll be able to see a table containing some of your Courses. The table includes the columns Course Name, Number of Students Enrolled, and Course Rating.
There’s also a View All button on the table’s top-right corner which you can click on to go to the My Courses dashboard and see all of your courses and related details.
5. Notification
Notice the bell icon on the top-right, this will appear if the Notification add-on is enabled and set up.
Clicking on the icon will open a side panel where you’ll see all of your Notifications listed. For more details about this feature, check out its document page.
6. Create A New Course
If you’re an Instructor, you’ll notice a Create a New Course button on the top-right. You can use this button to open the Course Builder and start creating a new course.
My Profile #

On the My Profile dashboard, you’ll be able to view your personal details like Registration Date, First Name, Last Name, Username, Email, Phone Number, Skill/Occupation, and Biography.
Note: In order to submit/update this information, please visit Dashboard > Settings > Profile.
Enrolled Courses #

Next, from the Enrolled Courses dashboard, you’ll find a complete list of all your Enrolled Courses, Active Courses, and Completed Courses.
For the Enrolled Courses, you can also track your course progress from here and check how many lessons you have completed in each course.
Wishlist #

Any courses you like and save to your Wishlist to view later will all appear in this section. Later, you can also buy the course directly from here by clicking on the Add to cart option.
Adding a Course To Your Wishlist
To add a course to your Wishlist, simply visit the Course Archive Page, find a course you like, and click on the bookmark icon that’s on the course item’s top-right corner.
Another way you can add to your Wishlist is by visiting the Course Details Page of the Course you like and clicking on the Wishlist button located on the top right of that page.
Reviews #

In this section, all the Reviews that you have Received and Given will be listed under their respective tabs.
Note: Only Instructors will be able to see the Received tab which will show all of the reviews Students have written about your courses.
Under the Given tab, you see all the reviews that you’ve written and you’ll also be able to edit and delete them from here.
Admins can also access all Reviews from the backend, therefore being able to manage and delete them
My Quiz Attempts #

The My Quiz Attempts dashboard is where you can track all of your Quiz Attempts and results. This page will showcase each Quiz Attempt and detail the following:
- Quiz Info (Consisting of Quiz Name & Date Attempted)
- No. of Questions
- Total Marks
- No. of Correct Answers
- No. of Incorrect Answer
- Earned Marks
- Result
Clicking on the Details button will take you to that quiz attempt’s details page where it lists all of the questions, their correct answers, and more.
Clicking on the trash icon that’s beside the Details button, you can also delete your Quiz Attempt.
Once you do click, a popup message will appear asking you to confirm the action. From there, you can either select Cancel to go back or select Yes, I’m Sure to proceed.
Order History #

Order History lists all of the courses you ordered along with their status, price, the date of the order, and more. You even have the option to select dates from the top right-hand side to look for orders you made during a specific time which makes searching easier.
Moreover, if you’re manually enrolled in a paid course, its pending order invoice will also appear on this page and you can directly click on a Pay button to confirm your enrollment if you’re willing.
Question And Answer #
All Q&As will appear in this section. A dropdown on the top left lets you select which set of Q&As you want to see like Read, Unread, Important, and Archived.
If you’re an Instructor, you’ll see a toggle on the top right that lets you switch from your role as Instructor to Student and vice versa.
1. Instructor Mode
In Instructor Mode, you’ll see the Q&As your students post on your courses and you can mark any conversation as Important by clicking on the arrow icon located on the left-most column.
You can also reply to any question by clicking on the Reply button. Doing so will take you to the Question Thread where you’ll be able to see the entire conversation and write a reply. The reply text editor allows you to format the text as well as add links and even insert images.
At the top of the question thread, you’ll find buttons to mark the Q&A as solved and/or important and even archive or delete it. Clicking on the Back button will take you back to the Q&A dashboard.
Lastly, clicking on the vertical ellipsis icon that’s beside the Reply button will open the action menu from where you can Archive a question, Mark it as Unread, or Delete it.
2. Student Mode
Now, in Student Mode, you’ll be able to see the Q&As you posted as a student for courses you’re enrolled in. The list will include the Question, Course Name, and the Number of replies.
You’ll find a reply button that takes you to the Question Thread to reply and you’ll also be able to Mark the Question as Unread or Delete it from the action menu.
For more information on the Q&A feature, please refer to its documentation.
Calendar #

The Calendar dashboard is where you’ll be able to see all of your assignments for the month at a glance. From the top left, simply select the month and year and all assignments created during that time will appear below the calendar.
So those were all of the Dashboards common to All Users. To learn about the Dashboards specific to Instructors, check out this document.